I, on the other hand have probably jumped the gun, but have started the spring time wardrobe swap in all the girls rooms. Liv was so excited to see a completely full closet of "new" dresses for her to wear and Eva was just happy to see some shoes that fit!! Abby is the only lucky one and will be needing a shopping trip to supply her with some clothes that aren't too small (I curse the fact she doesn't get any hand me downs from Audrey anymore because she and Grace are the same size!!!). So for today we are loving it, but I know that a storm is scheduled for this weekend and now we have warmer weather clothes, but really, what am I worried about, all they wear are dress-ups anyway!!
In scrapbooking news my progressive challenge ends this Friday. Step 3 was to add four papers, one plain and three patterned. Step four was to add a title and MOVE at least two things on your page! That last one threw me for a loop, but I think by moving the flower cluster and the picture it still turned out ok. This really was a fun thing to do.

Then just for your enjoyment I will put up some more layouts that I have submitted to the gallery. This one was for a journaling challenge - Tell about a name, what it means, how they got it. Amber's little nephew "Tank" was perfect for this:

This one is for the Template challenge put on by Andrea Gold. You download side A, submit to the gallery and she sends you side B. I haven't done the second side yet but here is the first. I used Andrea's new "Pink Parfait Kit" to make it. Isn't it just so beautiful. I also used it to make Liv's "Fashionista" page in her birthday post.

And finally I saw this picture on Amber's blog the other day and just had to scrap it, visions were flowing in my mind. I just love how it turned out!!

Have a great day everyone!! Go outside and enjoy the weather, we will be!!
We have had Spring Fever here as well. The girls are getting back outside and loving it. I haven't quite gotten to closet rotation but...
I am so jealous of your scrapbooking abilities and your time in which to do it. I'm so very impressed. Great pages!
I had a bad case of spring fever on Tuesday while I was running outside. It was the first time in months that it was warm enough to just wear a tshirt! I saw all the comments of the layout you did of Tank and I. It was fun to read through all of them! I love that you changed their wardrobes already!! It's true though, they live in dressups!
Oh spring fever is in full swing here as well. The kids ask to go to the pool every day. Your pages are so great as usual. I just keep perusing them for all your trademark details. Your new job keeps you busy, but I love it 'cause I can use the inspiration! I LOVE the green & yellow 'laugh' page. The colors are delicious. You really have a great way to accent photos with the colors you choose. Great job!
Nice layouts. Your skills still amaze me! Good job with your GDS assignment--it is so cute.
I agree about the weather. I want to rotate out of winter shoes and get into those flip flops that I have been missing. Your pages are wonderful. I have enjoyed watching your work at GDS and watching you participate in the fun challenges. They really knew what they were doing when they chose you to be on their team.
PS Great new topper and color changes. You are always a few steps ahead of me.
We have spring fever for sure! It has been in the eighties the last couple of days. I even got a little sun walking to school. Your girls look ready to be outside.
I love your new spring-themed blog background!!
We want to come Monday night. Call me when you know when and where Paul wants to eat. :)
Oh, great work on all the cute layouts! I love the one of Amber and her nephew! It really turned out great!
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