For all my Digi Scrappin friends and family- you know who you are- you might be interested in a new site I found yesterday. As you know, sadly for me, IKEA Goddess gave up the freebie hunting in December (after some very colorful post, ahem...) leaving me pretty dry as to cheep download fixes. I liked that she screened them and put up direct links with clear previews so that I could look it over and easily decide what I liked without having to go to each site and investing a lot of time to decide.
Well, Christie of "Hand Picked Freebies by Digital Daisy" has picked up the slack and filled my void. She doesn't post everyday, but I don't check everyday, and she is GREAT!! I linked her up in my Favorites on the spot!
It may not be new to you, but it is to me, check it out!
2 weeks ago
O Bree, what in the world would I ever do without you? Thank you sooo much for finding this. I too, was very sad when she said she wasn't going to post freebies anymore, but then I read the rest of her post and my jaw was dropping, my eyes got big, and I kinda skimmed over the rest, not wanting to read it. A little scary. But thank you sooo much again. You're the best.
Bree you are my hero!!!! I will now check out of freebie rehab and continue on my happy way. :)
Hooray! Thank you, Bree! Sadly, I learned a long time ago not to read IKEA Goddess' posts; she did some political comments a while ago, and it certainly made my eyes pop!
Having some fun googling myself LOL thank you so much for posting about my site!
xoxo Christie
AKA Digital Daisy
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