Monday, August 13, 2012

365+1 Week 31

Photo's #211-217:

The Olympics had been underway for a couple of days and the girls were over the moon watching all the athletic competition!  The favorite so far? Gymnastics of course.  Gabby Douglas is a house hero and they made themselves stay up every night to watch the drama unfold. This Sunday afternoon was spent perfecting their individual events- Olivia was rocking it on the "Beam"! And yes, we were then invited to a full Gymnastics meet in our back yard while each girl performed in an all-around event!!

Back at the Manila Pond for an evening of relaxing fun.  The girls made this "Hot Tub" and Eva was completely content to soak up some rays while giving herself a mud treatment!! :)

Just another picnic dinner with my two little's at the soccer park.  On tonight's menu: BLT's. Mmmmm...

Today our Story time was outside at Wine's Park for a fun Magician show.  The girls really enjoyed this and the magic man had that entire crowd of over 100 kids laughing hysterically.

"Eyes" My Eva girl, I just love how her face lights up, you just can't be unhappy when she is around.

Today was a busy day as we ran Abby to and from her Mini Soccer Camp in Provo and shopped to get ready for the two upcoming back to back family reunions.  A pit stop for some Happy Meals was in order to keep the troops in good favor!!

Today was spent with the Davis family.  Group and individual Family Portraits, lunch out with all, birthday cake and ice cream, and then a trip up Mill Creek Canyon for some hiking, exploring and roasting until the sun set over the mountain in glorious fashion.  I really love the dreamy effect that this shot gave while shooting into the sun.

1 comment:

amberdat said...

I need a hot tub like that one in my back yard! Miss you guys!