Tuesday, July 31, 2012

365+1 Week 30

What a BUSY week we just had, full of all kinds of excitement.  This next week is a stresser as well, while we get ready for not one - but TWO - family reunions back to back, wish us luck!!

Photo's #204-210:

Sunday afternoon bike ride.  It is a true fact that Paul works exactly 1.5 miles from our house.  It is really pretty fantastic for many reasons- one being that we can ride our bikes there.  I am the lucky one that gets to be the maid service for his office and the girls like to come with me and then leave notes and drawings for their Dad and Grandpa to find. Riding our bikes to and from just makes for a fun outing together.

As Abby's soccer team prepped for the upcoming tournament this week, Liv and Eva made themselves useful by building a nest out of grass.  They think that some animal will stumble upon it's beautiful design and decide to take up residence- maybe...

July 24th.  We didn't have much as far as plans to celebrate our beloved State being settled back in 1847.  It was decided that to commemorate our pioneer ancestors we too would cook over a "fire" although I doubt they ever had personal grilled margarita pizza's on the menu!  Delicious!! Also a little Strawberry Shortcake with home made whip topping was in order- you know, just like they used to make it :)

Bubble Beard- nuff said!!!

Ice Cream Cones.  The flavor of choice today was Chocolate with Chocolate Swirls and Chocolate Peanut butter cups.  Anyone like chocolate much?  Also I didn't even notice until I downloaded, but these cones totally coordinate with their outfits- SWEET!!

Back to school shopping officially kicked off in our house!  How many days until they are all back in school?  I mean, we have been having a great time together this summer, but I am not even trying to hide my ear to ear grin!! ALL THREE GIRLS IN ONE SCHOOL TOGETHER!!!

Abby's soccer team had been involved in the Utah Invitational Soccer Tournament for the last three days. It was intense, nerve wracking, HOT, and completely exciting to watch.  They came out in the end undefeated clinching the #1 spot and taking home the GOLD medals!!! Abby was so overjoyed at this outcome that she wouldn't take off her uniform for the rest of the day and then continued to wear that medal around her neck for the remainder of the weekend.  Way to go CELTIC STORM!

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