Friday, July 27, 2012

365+1 Week 29

This week has totally run away from me- but I decided that getting a post up this week, even late is better than nothing!  So here you go- and then I must be off again, out having some more summer fun!!

Photo's #197-203:

This is what happens at our house on a Sunday afternoon when Paul and I both fall asleep and the girls are left to their own devices for 2 hours!! Liv says to me when I can into the room "I just love crafting Mom."
Oh, and yes- those are paper shoes on Eva's feet that she had created!!! Only in my house I tell ya!!

Swim lessons continue- despite the fact that it started to downpour just as we were pulling out to drive over! I have decided that it doesn't matter when I sign the girls up in the summer, it will definitely be the week of rain.  Lucky for us even though it does rain, it has been quick and moved on each night without making us cancel the fun.

Olivia is continuing to make progress with her dog walking challenge.  Maggie is such a sweet patient little thing! Best result so far- when we are out (especially at the soccer park) and she sees another dog in the area she no longer screams and cries and runs away in total panic.  She just sits and smiles. Progress!!

"Jump" was my prompt today.  This has been happening pretty much non-stop for the last two weeks!

We finished our swim session today!  Abby worked so hard and made a real breakthrough with her side breathing and breaststroke skills.  She finally passed!!! Eva also made a tremendous stride and finally passed level 2 and she was so proud!  Olivia wouldn't let me take her picture because she was sad that she needs to repeat level 4.  She did very well and I was so proud of her as well- side breathing is a hard concept to get at first, as is that pesky frog leg kick!! She will get it next time!

We packed up and took an overnight with some friends up American Fork canyon.  It just wouldn't be a camp out without a roaring fire and marshmallows to roast.  Abby likes to set them on fire and then peal off the charred layer to eat and then send it back into the flames for more.  Olivia likes a golden toasted to perfection one- she has become quite good at it.  Eva doesn't like them toasted at all, just straight from the package, and she could eat the entire bag if I would let her!!

Also, just so you know, Little Mill Campground is a hot spot for snail catching activity! That bowl had about 20 in it by then end of our trip and these three kept trying to escape!

"Junk Food" Did you know that July 21st is National Junk Food day? Well it is, and we celebrated by eating a couple of our favorites while out to see a show with some friends- movie popcorn and Sour Patch Kids- Yummy!! What is your favorite show watching treat?


Brooke said...

Mmm..sour patch kids and popcorn are good together. My personal fave is hot tamales and popcorn. Yum!

Laura said...

Peanut M&M's for me! Delicious!