Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Project 365+1 Week 3

Photo's 15-21

Eva hung her bird feeder from Preschool in the tree- I think the birds are going to devour it!

Monday morning means back to school and home lunches packed.

My Mother was in and out of the hospital and ER last week, we spent many evenings at her house checking in on her, making sure she was comfortable and bringing my parents dinner. This is how the girls passed the time.

3:00pm= carpool time. Picking up Olivia is always a joy because she doesn't stop talking about her day until we pull into the driveway!!

Pinocchio and Italy celebration at school- we sent scrumptious Cannoli's for a sweet treat at the end of the Italian foods sampling.

With it still being gloomy rainy and overcast all week, bright toes and fingers were in order!

Today the rain poured in buckets- it didn't stop from the moment we woke up until we closed our eyes that night. The only way for the girls to get over the fact that it wasn't snow was to dance and jump in the massive puddles outside (we are still drying out those boots!!).

1 comment:

JJ said...

Cannolis are one of Kelly's most favorite desserts. I made them once when we were first married and never made them again because they were so time-consuming and stressful.

Loved the photos!