Goal#1- I have decided that in my old age my metabolism has significantly slowed down and I just can't eat the same crap that I used to do day in and day out. I came to this conclusion because while I exercise 5 days a week for an hour each day in various strength and cardio activities, I seemed to have packed on 10 pesky pounds that have taken root and are refusing to budge- thus a diet analysis has been needed. My sister (and exercise partner) and I have talked about it greatly and she convinced me to join her on a no sugar, no fast food, no treats diet modification for 6 days a week allowing one delicious treat day a week to splurge. Now, let it be known that I CAN'T diet! You restrict something on me and I will only want it more, so I was skeptical to say the least. I truly didn't think that it could be done and that I most certainly didn't have the will power to do this. That being said, January 1st, after a fun night of food and treats and all my heart desired, I awoke to a fresh outlook and a new determination to DO this!! And you know what- I was STARVING!! and I was SO SNACKY!!! and on day 3 I was still going strong and my body was in a sugar high withdrawal. I had the worst headache all day!! But I stuck with it, I was actually in total shock as to how much sugary snacking I have been doing. It was on day 4 that my sister and I had a talk about our meal plans and we both decided that we needed to shift to the 6 small meals a day to keep ourselves satisfied and not be on a food roller coaster all day. That was the trick! It has been smooth sailing ever since!! Saturday was my free splurge day and I found that I wasn't even needing to go crazy with the sweets like I thought I would and I have shrunk my stomach and didn't even need to eat as much as usual to feel satisfied. Cool right!! Don't get me wrong- I enjoyed my free day, Paul took me out and we had good food and a delicious desert. But come Sunday, I was back on track and feeling great!
So wish me luck, I don't know how long I plan on living this lifestyle, but my sister and I made the goal to do it for one month and then take a look at our progress and see if it is worth it to continue... I will keep you posted!
Goal #2- I have been wanting to join in on the Project 365 for about three years now. I decided that with this being the year of my 35th birthday and with it also being leap year, I was going to DO IT! Project 365+1 is a photo a day challenge. You take a photo each day, everyday, and at the end of the year you have a daily documentation of the year. As a scrapbooker, that is pretty fun. I plan to include a layout in each girls book for each month of the year. Everyone who has done this challenge in the past talks about how much they improved in their photography skills and became so much more familiar with their camera's capabilities by using it everyday. I hope to have the same results. I am also going to do a post each week with the photo's from the previous week to keep me accountable and to journal what each photo was about.
So, here are last weeks photos- Day's 1-7
Spent a couple of hours making the new birthday gifts for primary- 90 total
Do you have any resolutions this year? Are they the same as mine?
Your resolutions sound great! I got six pesky pounds that I'm also trying to budge from my butt and I want to play a game with my boys everyday, play the piano everyday, and write in my "Mom File" everyday. It's sort of like your 365 picture idea but just writing all the funny stories and funny things they say everyday. Good luck with your new year!
Lincoln is still talking about that pink jeep! It was so fun to see you guys! Thanks for letting us have Paul for the afternoon. He was a lifesaver. I love your new goals too- and even better, you wrote them down. I need to do that!
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