Sunday, January 1, 2012

On the last day of the year...

Every year, on the final day of the year, we celebrate my first born! She is certainly deserving of a celebration and this year was no exception!! She was turning 9, yes you read that right, 9! The only number more shocking would be the one next year :) Abigail thinks she it so grown up (yes, this year she decided to go by her formal name at school) and needed to have a late night party, a rockin' "Rock Band" party, and Pizza, and Root beer floats, and complete with sweet dance moves and confetti. You heard me right, more confetti than any house this size should have within it's confinements- the entire house was covered because we gave each girl a bag of it and if they liked the dance moves being performed to "Dance Party" by someone they would throw a handful of glittery greatness all over them. It was a complete hit and we have been cleaning up the enjoyment for many hours this afternoon.

But this little girls smiles and grins and laughter makes every little piece worth it!
Love you Abby!!
Happy Birthday!!!

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