This week is "S" week at Liv's preschool. (every week they do a letter of the alphabet) Because of this she has been pointing at all the stop lights and signs, as well as walking around singing "Yellow Submarine", yes the one by the Beatles, what can I say she has a cool teacher! One of the activities they did was to build fun things with sugar cubes. When she came home and showed Abby her bag full of sugar cubes and started talking up a storm about how much fun she had building with them, well, you should have seen the face of envy that graced my sweet girl. Being the great mother that I am, or not, when I went to the store later I picked up a box of those coveted sugar cubes for her. So last night, while I was armed with the hot glue gun, and their minds were oozing with childhood creativity I can now give you:
Abby's rendition of Rapunzel's tower

Complete with path up to the doorless front and some side bushes, it would have landscaping of course!
And Liv's

To be honest, I looked at her and said "That is great Liv, is it a castle too?" and she looked at me and said: "Of course NOT mom, it's a refrigerator!"
Of course it is!!!!
PS: Thanks everyone for your imput on the design dilemma. I decided to splurge and it will be at my door next week!!! Everyone tell Paul that it IS worth it!!!!
YAY!!! You went with first choice!!!
Great idea with the sugar cubes....see you're saving money on entertainment so you can justify the splurge on the wall covering. ;)
P.s. Can Liv get any more adorable???
Can't wait to see the playroom in person. Your kids are just building their skills for many many elementary school projects to come.
I am so sorry that I have been MIA. I have absolutely loved catching up on your entries. I have not laughed so hard in a long time as when I read and looked at the entry for Paul's birthday. Thank you for loving my son so perfectly. The play room addition is going to be wonderful and I am glad that you decided on the wall paper that you wanted. Your ability to design with color has always been very good. Your girls are so darling and I love them so much. Thanks for posting what they are doing along with pictures.
Ha ha ha. I love the refrigerator... that would have been my first guess! What a great little artist. Abby's castle is pretty good. They have such great imaginations!
"Of course not, it's a refrigerator!" What a kid! That's a really fun idea; I may have to copy it! So cute those sweet girls are!
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