I haven't died, I am here, barely at times, but here!! I have been a bit under the weather topping out yesterday into a sinus infection- no worries though my brother in law medded me up on antibiotics and now I just wait for the pressure in my tiny nasal passages to subside, wait, and wait...
On a brighter side I have been trying to scrap a page everyday this last week, I have fallen so behind it is scary! I was almost a year behind in Liv's book so she has had my full devotion! Thank you Audrey for the cool shadowing technique, I have put it to use on all my layouts and I love it!!
Here are a few- enjoy and hopefully next time I post I will be feeling much better
(cross my fingers!).

I am pretty proud of these next two, because I saw these layouts in a magazine and made my own templates for them!!

I love the layouts. Those that you scraplifted are awesome too!
Sorry you are sick!! Dave and I both had colds already this winter.
Hope you're feeling better soon!!
Love the pages, you are amazing! I hope you are feeling all better!
Sorry you have not been well! but it hasn't hampered your creativity one bit. I just LOVE to see your pages. They are so inspiring to me, because I recognize a lot of the kits and your creative brain puts it together in ways my linear brain couldn't come up with. So when you look through my books, you'll recognize a few layouts that I copied from you!!! :) Especially these. You do such great work. Don't you love the stitching in those Scrap Artist kits? & I really think your Bear Lake page is fabulous! I had forgotten about Wild Rumpus. See? you inspire me. Great shadowing by the way!
I hope you are feeling better. I'm glad too that you have a brother in law to help get you meds!!
Your pages are great and I especially love the template you made for Strawberry days!!
Feel better!
Sorry you have been under the weather. However, you've gotten some beautiful pages put together. I'm basically down to using digital scrapbooking to create things for Primary and my kids. I've kind of given up on doing my kids' scrapbooks...I've fallen too far behind (been busy caulking a shower).
Your work is always inspiring to me. I love the Bear Lake template and the Egg Hunt page. I will copy these. Liv's face is so darling, I bet you smiled the whole time you were working on her pages. I am sorry that you have not been feeling well. I am glad that you have medication because as we both know, mothers never get a day off.
Sorry that you got a sinus infection; I can relate for sure since I just got over one--I'd never had one before, and they are awful, aren't they? Hopefully you'll get feeling better now that you have some antibiotics.
I love your layouts! You've been busy, and you've done some seriously good work! You'll have to show me this new shadowing techinique! I'm always up for learning neat new tricks!
I LOVE the new layouts! I especially love the stitching around the pictures in the first one. Congrats on making your own template... no clue how to do that but I'd love to learn and I'd love to know the new shadowing trick as well!!
Hey!! This is Angee Duvall. I found your blog through others... Anyway, I hope you don't mind if I leave a comment. (I love comments!!)
Your girls are so big and absolutely beautiful!! They are growing up so fast! My gosh! And you and Paul look great, too, of course!
Glad things are good.
Check out our blog: duvallfamily.wordpress.com
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