having a FANTASTIC time!!!! I think that I dub this the Summer of Bree- I know that it is selfish, and not that responsible as a mother of three, but I just feel like I have earned it, not really for any specific reason, but isn't being mother of three and wife of one enough!!! I deserve to check off a few things from my list of "Things I Want To Do". So next on my list of things I wanted to do this summer was go to a park and ride some roller coasters! Being that Lagoon is the only one in the state, it became our destination choice. Thanks to my absolutely fabulous, what am I doing to do without her next month when she marries my brother and he moves her away, Amber's invitation to watch previously mentioned girls for the ENTIRE day, I was able to do just that, accompanied by my best friend and hubby Paul. It was HEAVEN!! Just the two of us, I can't remember when we spent an entire day and evening by ourselves just laughing, giggling, screaming, running around like teenagers, racing go-carts on the track and giving each other whiplash in the bumper cars! By the way, we were so wedged into this go cart I really didn't think we were getting out!

We rode just about every ride they had to offer, there really weren't any lines, with the exception of the Spider because it kept breaking down until they finally closed it. The very first ride I had to go on was of course the Colossus Fire Dragon! Oh the memories of my childhood! I can remember standing in line with my dad (he LOVED this ride) and just sweaty palming it, almost chickening out but getting strapped in and making the climb to the top only to scream bloody murder as it plunged to the ground and then proceeded to go upside down through the two loops! Yes it is still that good, and I still screamed my guts out!! Although it was discovered that they have changed the seating restraints and now Paul's 6'7'' legs REALLY don't fit anymore!! Let's just say he has the bruises to prove it!!!
They have added to the park since my last visit (that would be senior sluff day 12 years ago!) and the new rides are GREAT! Paul's new favorite is by far Wicked!

It shoots you out like a cannon into a completely vertical ascent which immediately turns into a completely vertical decent and then proceeds to corkscrew! FABULOUS!! It is only made better with the design of the car, just two rows of four people and the front row has NOTHING in front of it so you really feel like you are shot straight up in the air and then you are immediately plunging face first to the ground- awesome!

Paul was able to get a video of this great thrill during one of our rides(we had front row each time, lucky us!)- it is pretty good, oh and don't mind me screaming in the background or the fact that there is a 6 year old girl sitting next to me who loved it!!!
Next would be my favorite ride- the Rocket!

I have been telling Paul for years that he needed to join me at the top of the Stratoshpere in Vegas to ride the ride on the needle at night. That ride is still better, only because you start 15 floors in the air and then go up 200 feet, but this is a pretty good recreation!! It is a two part ride- Blast Off, and ReEntry.

We started with Blast Off which straps you in around one of these towers and then shoots you up 200 ft in the air and then drops you back down bouncing several times to a stop. Now I must say that Paul is afraid of heights, a lot actually, and I was so proud of him to face his fear and ride these rides with me because he knows how much I love them. After the first half he said, "that wasn't so bad, it was fun". Then we went over to get strapped into ReEntry.

This time they start by slowly raising you up to the 200 ft height, only to let you hang out there for awhile and then, without warning, drop you to the ground and then proceed to bounce up and down to a stop- Scared the crap out of him!!!!! I was laughing so hard and it is only better that he recorded himself during it- don't worry that is cuts off abruptly because in the panic of the whole thing he hit a button and it turned off, but it is great!!!
Wouldn't you know it though, because he is so wonderful, and loves me so much, he even rode it again before we had to leave the park at closing!
It was such a fun day, I love that Paul and I were able to go together and it made me remember again exactly why we got married in the first place- we are best friends and we have such a wonderful time together-

My only regret, we should have validated to bounce back!!
OHHHHH this is fantastic!! What a great and ideal day! Kevin & I did 6 flags on our honeymoon and I just love amusement parks. Lagoon has added some serious thrill rides since I've been there. So glad you guys had a great day! Any chance Amber is moving to California? & wants to adopt some nieces? ha ha
What a fun day! I love the videos that you posted! They are awesome! and you look so nice and trim! Way to go...you're a stud!
Oh my gosh! You two were born for Lagoon. I won't mention then that I get nervous and have a hard time doing the ski lift ride that goes from one end of Lagoon to the other and feel most comfortable on the train ride! Yea, I got a little motion sickness just watching your video. Glad you had a fun day together doing what you like to do.
It looks like the two of you had a great time together. I so wish that we could have worked a miracle and come with you. Kelly and I love a good roller coaster, too. I'm glad the two of you got to get out together.
Oh Bree! I am so glad you and Paul had such a great time! You two look like you are in the dating stages all over again! So cute! I had a good laugh with those videos all over again. My favorite is the Rocket. Priceless. The next time you and Paul decide to go somewhere, make it an over-nighter. Liv asked if I could sleepover... we wouldn't want to look into those big brown eyes and tell that cute face no, now would we? I'll come down anytime to watch your adorable little girls.
Wow, what a fun day. Good for you for getting away just the two of you. I keep learning more about you all the time. Can't wait to see what else is on your list!
Ha ha! I had some good laughs at the videos. Weren't you afraid he'd drop the camera? Paul must have a grip of steel. Speaking of camera... what kind did you get???
I loved Paul's face on the Rocket. So awesome that he'd go with you even though he hates heights!!
What a sweet sister-in-law (to be) you have. I'm sure the girls love hanging out with her.
That sounds like so much fun! Good for you for taking some time for yourself...you DEFINITELY deserve it! That sounds like so much fun to spend a day with your hubby at a theme park..no kids! Also, great job on your weight loss goal achievement. That is incredible and so exciting! You really do look so fantastic and all your hard work has paid off!!!
What a fun day for you two. You must have felt so rejuvenated! I need to find an Amberdawn of my own.
You guys are so funny! It looks like you had a blast, and of course there is no one better to leave your kids with then Amber!
I loved the videos Paul took; they are both great! I love that he kept saying, "Oh ya!" all cool during roller coaster ride, and I said just before I heard you say it on the second one, "Paul, don't drop the camera!" Pretty fun! I'm so glad you two got to have such a fun day all to yourselves! Good for you!
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