My camera has officially died!!! This is quite possibly the worst thing that can happen to a photo-aholic and scrapbooker that I most certainly am!!! It has been acting up for a while now and I have just been crossing my fingers that it would hang on. To be honest, I would like a new one. If I were REALLY honest, I would like a REALLY good one, with lenses and super sonic shutter speed and mega pixels (can you see me tilting my head and my eyes glazing over and the drool), but I need the portability of a point and shoot, and lets be honest, price is key! So as I sit here, Paul and I are IMing back and forth shopping around and I think we have found a good one at a good price. So don't you all worry to much, I shouldn't be too long without my photo lens!!!
Thank heaven that I went ahead and took pictures of swim lessons last week!

Abby and Liv have been going every morning last week and will continue through this week as well, much to Eva's dismay.

She wants so much to get in the water also and out of the heat! Next time I think I will sign her up for a mommy and me class. I just wasn't thinking when I signed up the other two.
The girls are doing well, advancing some in there abilities (we still need to get Liv to put her face in the water, she probably will need to repeat Level 1, I am just happy that she has stopped crying every morning before we go, and now looks forward to getting in the water!)

Thank goodness she has a fabulous instructor that is so gentle and sweet with her! She can now float on her tummy while the instructor pulls her around and she will put her mouth in the water and blow bubbles, progress!
Abby is in Level II and is doing well with her front and back floats and is now starting to put the stroke with the float.

She wants SO much to be able to swim like the Mickelson kids when we go to the pool and that alone makes her do things, like holding her breath under the water, that scare her a little. Sometimes you've got to love peer pressure!!!
I was going to post up pictures of Amber's Sign in book for her wedding (she had a great little Bridal shower over the weekend and I gave it to her then) but alas, the pictures are stuck on the camera that will no longer turn on, let alone download. Those will have to wait until my uber talented husband comes home and somehow magically extracts them for me- really what would I do with out him!!!!
So check back soon and I will show you those, It turned out so great, I am very pleased with it!
Love you all!!
I am so sorry that your camera died!! It is a terrible feeling knowing that you are camera-less, even if just for a day.
The photo of Abby and Liv by the pool is adorable! Way to go little swimmers!!
Tell us which new camera you decided to get. Fun to get something new!!
I'm so sorry. That is tragic news for someone like you or me. I really like my Canon SD850. It's compact and takes some amazing pictures.
It's always fun to get something new so have fun picking out a new one. Hopefully it gets to you quickly.
What a sad day for your camera... and you! Well, all good things must come to an end they say but the next generation will definitely fulfill all the expectations and responsibilities that you set for it, i'm sure!! Thank you SO MUCH again for the book. I've been looking at it everyday since I got it!
Congrats to your girls at the pool! It's good to hear that Liv has stopped crying before her lessons. That definitely makes it easier to get in the car and go :).
I will see you on Saturday!
Swimming lessons for the kids are the best. They are certainly little fishies.
Sorry to hear about your camera!!! that happened to me. Mine died once. (got dropped - oops) but it resulted in an upgrade, so hopefully it turns out for the best. The girls look darling at the pool. I learned my lesson the hard way last year as well without having Carter in a lesson when the girls were. Needless to say, he is in lessons this year.
Great photos of the girls at swimming lessons. Eva looks tan and happy. I am sure thst you will turn these into masterpiece scrap pages. Sorry about your camera. Let me know what kind you get.
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