I think we are finally coming into the clearing- no more high fevers, headaches, chills, sweats- however the coughing has continued. It is getting better and the humidifiers are running non stop. They all finally slept through the night. Liv was able to go back to school yesterday, but I have still kept Abby home, it seems to have hit her the hardest, the fevers just won't go away. Today I am optimistic, if she stays well today, that will be two good days, I will send her tomorrow. She has missed a week of school, which in her class, puts her REALLY behind and that is TORTURE to her!!! Not to mention I have run out of things to keep her busy. I don't have anymore craft ideas, games to play, movies to watch, fun things to bake- now that is TORTURE to me!!!! Can I send her to School even though she has a lingering cough? I mean lets be realistic, that could hang on for well... EVER!
But on a happy note- Halloween is this weekend!!!! Don't you love these cute little candy corns?

I could just eat them up!!
Oh wow! I'm so sorry that you guys got that. How bad has it been? I can't find a vaccine anywhere for my family and so I'm having to deal with the idea that we may all just have to get through it. I hope everyone gets better soon!
Oh Liv, those fingers are adorable. And the face is totally adorable too. :)
I'm sorry you've all been sick Thanks for being so considerate of me when I was planning on coming over. I could have gotten the dreaded illness. Thanks for being so thoughtful!
Glad you didn't get sick but I'm sure you've been "nurse Bree" for everyone else. Don't get sick -- you have a birthday next week. ;)
Sorry, I missed the period between "sick" and "Thanks".
It is driving me nuts that I can't fix it!!
I am pleased to inform you that we did not catch the swine flu bug while at your house this weekend. (Knock on wood!) I am glad almost everyone seems to be feeling better... and how in the world did you not catch it?!? Maybe God blessed you for taking care of four sicklings.
Wow Bree, you all have been sick for a long time. I'm so sorry. Glad things are looking up and that all systems are go for Halloween!
I am so sorry to hear this! The flu is the worst! You are probably exhausted. P.S. Love the candy corn nails--what a creative idea! I may have to steal that one.
How yucky. Glad you didn't get it. I am living in fear of my kids coming home with it (especially with Jax's asthma and heart issues, and the baby being so new). Glad to hear yall made it through okay. Love the nails!
i hope everyone is doing better!!!!... we sure miss seeing your sweet little girls out in the neighborhood and at church!!!.... Nursery just hasn't been the same without Eva there!!!!Xxxxx
I heard that everyone was sick, and I was sad because that meant we couldn't come down for the game Saturday! We missed you guys! I'm glad to hear that everyone is finally on the mend, though. Having sick kids (and husband) is the worst! Brandon said your bathroom and playroom look great; I can't wait until I get a chance to see all of your hard work!
I have been a little behind on blogs, but just enjoyed catching up. Abby's face is so like Paul's in her soccer uniform. Sorry to hear that you guys have been sick! That is not fun. Guess you've been a little busy taking care of everyone to learn the new Photoshop. Hopefully you can get it all figured it then you can teach me. :)
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