Saturday, October 17, 2009

So long...

We are getting a rebuild this weekend- what am I going to do without my internet access? I just might go insane, but he is going to load on Photoshop CS3- yes I am FINALLY taking the leap! It is very hard for me to leave something familiar and comfortable and predictable, but I am very excited to have ACTION abilities and shadows on their own layers- YIPPEE!!!

Goodbye Elements, my dear dear friend, you have treated me so well over the years.

So long for a time internet- I will miss you!!!


Michelle said...

I'm so glad!! I think that is the first thing I ask whenever we talk about digi-scrap.... "Have you changed to photoshop yet?"

YAY! Congrats and on to text paths and fabulous drop shadows! :)

Jennifer said...

congrats! After you figure out all the neat stuff, you can teach me!

Tina DeWitt said...

YAY! You are going to love it! Actions are my favorite things ever!!