I think I have come to the realization that the beginning of the week is just too crazy, and Friday needs to be my new posting day!! With that now changed in my mind I can relax about it a bit. I don't know why I put these ridiculous deadlines on myself!! Here is last weeks photo's, not late, but right on time :)
Photo's #267-273:
What? Bronco attire AND loading up the giant pumpkins from Grandpa's house to decorate our front porch? Just about the greatest Sunday ever!!
Have I mentioned before that we have some pretty good neighbors? Oh, I have, well let me just say it again! Our fun neighbors let the girls help in using an old fashioned Apple Cider Press. Olivia especially enjoyed the entire process and was over there "Helping" for hours!
Speaking of Olivia. It was discovered over the weekend that one of her back baby teeth was broken and infected. Poor dear, we had to take her in to the dentist and have it pulled. She was a champ, even though she did let some tears loose when she discovered what was actually happening!! It was all forgotten when they handed her this awesome ring holder, let her pick a prize AND gave her a new toothbrush and paste.
Rain- my little soccer player and dancer had to spend some time out enjoying it's beauty before we headed out to their regularly scheduled events.
Eva is a girl that appreciates some creativity on the home front when it comes to lunch time. There is only so many kinds of sandwiches to eat during the school year. Today she was delighted to find a PB Doggy on her plate! That toothy fluff filled grin made me particularly happy and brought a smile to MY face!! :)
School picture day. We were all up early in order to get our look just right. They have to wear the Dress Uniform for pictures, so clothes weren't the issue- but having the perfect hair was! These are the velvet lined hot rollers from the 80's. Yes, they are original from my youth. I believe they truly belonged to my sister, but I inherited them and they are still the only way to get curl to hold in Olivia's straight, thick hair. In this case, they really don't make 'em like they used to.
My goal today was to get a good picture of Abby playing soccer. I did not succeed. This season they are playing in the boys league- they had cleaned up last year in the girl league and the coaches decided to step up the competition. While they are learning and improving greatly, they have lost all of their games including this one. It is just too intense and I completely forget to snap any pictures. Not to mention she played on the far side the entire game. She is completing a fantastic throw in here, but I will get a better one next time!!!
2 hours ago
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