Thursday, August 12, 2010


These two. Abby and Louisa. They are the best of friends. They have spent the last three days straight together, non stop. 10:00am to 8:00pm. Yesterday they made sure the attire was matching. They also spend the majority of the afternoon on a Butterfly hunt, net and all. It was a riot to watch them running up and down the street with that net. But they were victorious. Three times over, actually. At 5:00 in the evening they showed up at the door with their "favorite" and informed me that I MUST take a picture for the blog! And so:Louisa couldn't bare to keep them hostage, animal lover that she is. All were released in what I am sure was the most eloquent and heartfelt of ceremonies!

Good friends, butterflies, youth, and vibrant sunny days- we are really going to miss summer in a few weeks.


Brooke said...

This is a great post. Love the matching attire. Childhood is so wonderful, isn't it?!

JJ said...

Yea for friends!

julie Gutke said...

it was just so sweet to watch them with the butterfly net.....i can't believe they caught so many!!!!...i am so greatful to have such a wonderful friend for louisa in Abby!!!