Paul and I were talking the other night about our love of Halloween, going
Trick or Treating, getting the candy, spending hours running from house to house while our parents drove us from neighborhood to neighborhood. I began to think about the costumes I had as a child and honestly I can't remember being anything but a witch, the same witch, year after year!!! So I pulled out my baby book and began to look and sure enough I was a witch every year!!

These Casper costumes are Paul's all time favorite Griffiths costumes!!! So funny and yet so creepy at the same time!!! This is
Shamae, Brandon, Cory, and Me (Bree) when I was two days away from being 2.
This year I thought it was great that the girls wanted to be witches, takes me back to my childhood. Liv has been
obsessed with witches for several months. Every week at the library since about June she has hunted out a book that had a witch in in. She always tells me "I just love witches mom, they kind if scare me!" So funny. Then two weeks ago Eva declared that she wanted to be a cat-
absolutely perfect, my two witches with there little black cat!!

(Waiting to enter the neighbor Halloween party)
This year I mixed things up a bit, kept the french maid costume in storage and dawned a witch costume as well. Paul joined in with us for the first time and dressed up as Billy
Mays (
ie. The
OxyClean guy). I thought it was very funny!

Cory and Jill popped by with the kids- can you even get over how adorable Lily is as a Garden Gnome!!!

course I was
ecstatic that my Dad showed up with his scary mask to scare all the neighborhood children as he manned the door with candy while we were out. He would wear a mask to answer the door every year when I was a kid. He was such a quiet mild person that the kids never expected to see it when the door flew open and he yelled "Who is it! Oh, it's you. Do you want some candy?" LOVE IT!!

Hope you all had a fantastic Halloween as well!!!
We love the costumes (especially the Tim Burton-esque hats). Megan adds that she loves the shoes from the earlier post. And I add the comment that Paul's costume was awesome. I had never seen the Oxy Clean guy, but I googled him and I have to say that Paul's beard looks about as real as (i.e. painted on) Billy Mays' beard.
Where did you find those costumes? They are so cute. I didn't see anything like them in my hunt for costume wear.
Did Paul have the shout and correct inflection in his voice all night?
Oh. my. gosh. soooo cute! I LOVE the little witch costumes, and Eva goes so well as a little cat (she is looking so grown up by the way!). Remember last year how she wouldn't put her costume on?!? Now she is just so big! Lily is so darn cute too! And I have to admit, when I saw that picture of your dad, I bent over laughing really hard. And then when I read what you wrote about how he answers the door, I just about peed my pants a little bit! I really like that Jay! I loved this post!!
All of those costumes are SO cute! How funny, Paul, the infomercial salesman. Love the "beard" on his face!
You and the girls look wonderful. I'm glad you could come full circle and embrace your inner witch this year.
Might I also say that your carved pumpkins are awesome? Who did such intricate work on those puppies? That is some seriously great carving!!
Don't click on my name above... I accidentally typed the URL wrong and it takes you to the WRONG place!! Please forgive.... :)
Just trust me... don't click!!
Those witch costumes were awesome. I love the colors! You guys looked so great, especially Mr. Oxiclean!
i too love the costumes! that is awesome that paul dressed up as well! what a good dad! and bree- look at you skinny minny! you look great! my favorite though is the mask that dad wore... can't believe they still have those masks!
Okay, first I loved the look at Halloween past, then I loved the Oxyclean guy with Paul, but my all-time favorite of this post was Jay in his mask and the story of him answering the door! Hilarious! The girls look beautiful as little witches and a perfectly matched black cat! Very sweet!
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