Photo's #330-336
"Number" We have several Christmas count-downs in our house. This cute one was given to us by a dear friend and it has quickly become the house favorite- the girls just love erasing and writing in the new number with the chalk each day.
"Tree" I have come into the front room several times to find Eva looking up into the beautiful lights of our main tree from down below. I can fondly remember doing this as a child, except ours was always a fresh tree filling my senses with the fragrance of pine, and many years it was dusted white with flocking (accomplished by my parents taking the tree out on the back porch and turning on the old Kerby vacuum in reverse!). No matter the circumstances, the wonder of the season through a child's eye is always magical!
We have attended Story Time at the library in Lehi once a week for over 8 years! Abby wasn't even 2 years old when I started taking her, then I was pregnant with Liv, then I had two toddlers while simultaneously carrying Eva, then I had three children who loved all the activities, stories and games. We always brought home a large bag full of books that we would read together. We had the same Head Story Teller each and every year and she once made a comment to me that she has enjoyed watching my family grow up with her! Now, all three girls are in school, and we no longer are able to attend that morning story hour, but we do still go over every other week after school and pick out books. No longer do we fill our bag to the brim with picture book (Eva still likes a few), but instead, Abby picks out fat Adventure chapter books. Olivia is in the same section selecting Fairy Fantasies, and even my little Eva is now in the reader book section picking out level 2's. Oh how the time seems to have flown right by before my eyes!!
Abby has started her Science Fair Project. She is grinning from ear to ear as her father helps her. Can you guess what her experiment is by this picture?
Today I have another picture of the on going Science Fair Project- because it has basically taken over our lives!! Everyone is in on the research. Log books have been made and the fascinating results are starting to take shape. Do you know what she is testing yet?
Abby's Chorale Christmas Concert was this evening. It was sooo wonderful! I mean really really wonderful!! Paul and I were so impressed with all the performances from the 4th grade up through the High school. Truly, no joke, her music teacher had that 4th grade singing so well we thought they sounded better than the high school. She had them singing Bach in perfect harmony. Oh, and Abby was giving the assignment to play the chimes for one of the songs and she took it VERY seriously, she was doing "Air" chime practicing all week at home and she did a spectacular job!!
Weekend game night. We always have a fun time together and some of us get very excited when we have been dealt a good hand!!
2 weeks ago
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