7:00am: Alarm goes off and I PEEL my tired self out of bed and wake up Abby
7:10 am: Abby has finally walked down the stairs for breakfast
7:15 am: Liv hears the noise (if my early bird isn't already awake and downstairs watching TV), promptly wakes up Eva and they come down for breakfast
7:25 am: Abby is upstairs getting dressed, she usually needs me to coordinate a top to a bottom
7:30am: Olivia is up stairs and taking FOREVER to decide on which uniform she is going to wear. THANK GOODNESS she only has 3 options or we would be ALL day deciding.
7:36 am: Abby is in the bathroom and ready for her hair- then she brushes her teeth
7:40 am: Olivia is on the stool for her hair- then she brushes her teeth
7:45am: Abby yells goodbye and is out the door before anyone can embarrass her!
7:50am: Eva is now somehow dressed and on the stool for her hair- then she brushes her teeth
8:00am: Finding Little Einstein's for Eva to watch while I am gone and Paul is snoozing upstairs.
8:02am: Put on my running clothes
8:05am: Out the door driving Olivia to school- she always insists we go the long way around to the back door, I don't know why but we MUST!
8:20 am: Make sure Eva is still OK, stretch, grab some water and my Garmin
8:30am: Out the door for my morning run- usually 4-5 miles
9:20am: Situps and stretches
9:30am: Out the door all sweaty still, (sorry drop off mom's) Eva rides her bike to school while I jog along beside her.
9:40am: In the shower- then I finally brush my teeth (sorry everyone!)
10:10am: Kiss my darling husband goodby and head back to Olivia's school
10:15am: Math and Spelling volunteer helper - I do really enjoy this part of my day!
11:15am: Say goodby as Olivia's class heads to lunch
11:30am: Home
11:40am: Walk up to pick up Eva, then chase her bike riding self home again while she yells back at me all the fun things she did in class.
12:00pm: Lunch- I finally get something to eat. Do the dishes from yesterday and today.
12:30pm: Head to the store- we are out of most things
2:00pm: Home- now I start making the 20 hair bows (2 for each girl in case they want 2 ponies- girls need options right!) for Abby's Soccer team to wear at the game- they are cute if I do say so myself!
2:30pm: Abby is home- homework and Piano practice- still working on bows
3:00pm: Load everyone in the car to pick up Olivia
3:10pm: She is in the car, head back to the store because I need more ribbon
3:25pm: Found the matching ribbon- hooray!
3:50pm: Home- more hair bow making. Olivia does homework and Piano Practice
4:30pm: Abby gets ready for soccer game, Olivia gets ready for dance. Still finishing hair bows!
4:35pm: Paul home from work to take Abby to her game
4:50pm: Paul and Abby leave, completed hair bows with them. I leave with Eva to take Olivia to Dance class
5:00pm: Run Olivia into Dance- we are late, she HATES being late!
5:15pm: Go to my Mom's house to pick her up to watch Abby's game
5:30pm: Make it to Abby's game just as kick off starts- All the girls have their hair bows in and they look fantastic and fun!
5:45pm: Leave to go and get Olivia from Dance
5:55pm: Pick up Olivia and head back to Abby's game
6:05pm: Back to the game- missed them score 2 penalty kicks, but get to see Abby score an awesome goal!
6:30pm: Game over. They win 4-2, they are still undefeated!!
6:15pm: Drop my mom off at her house
6:30pm: Home- make dinner, it has to be our go to quicky- soup and sandwiches
7:00pm: Shower's for all the children-pajamas and teeth brushing
7:30pm: Olivia's 20 minutes of reading in her assigned book
8:00pm: Bed time for all the children- bed time stories read, hugs and kisses
8:30pm: Quick pick up around the house- clean up the huge hair bow mess!
9:00pm: Settle in on the couch with my sweetie for some TV watching alone time- he tells me he has to work tonight.
11:00pm: Pull my tired self up to bed
1:30am: Paul surprises me by making it back to bed so early!
7:00am: My Alarm goes off and I PEEL myself out of bed again!!
I like to always look at the bright side- at least I'm not bored!!!
2 weeks ago
And I saw you in the midst of all this craziness yesterday! I hope not ALL of your days are like this...
I am tired just reading this! I saw you running this morning down 600 West and thought you looked like a rockstar!! You are amazing :)
This post made me tired. Good luck with all of that!
I have so many comments for this post. First of all, it brought back so many memories when I lived at your house for a week... I, of course, made hats, not hairbows... and I didn't go running or kiss my husband goodbye, but it did remind me of how crazy busy and tired I was all week long. You, my sweet sister in law, live one busy life!! Second. I am reminded of Olivia telling me- no less than ten times- that we can't be late for dance! Third. I loved your grand finale!! I am usually busy all day long and never feel like I get much crossed off my list. But I whole-heartedly agree with you... I would MUCH rather be busy than bored. Hands down. I guess that's why the weekends are sooo sweet. Don't wear yourself out too much! Love you!
That is quite the schedule! I agree with Amber, makes us appreciate the weekends!
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