Monday, June 18, 2012

365+1 Week 23

I can't believe how the time got away from me last week and I didn't get my photo's posted.  Don't you worry! I haven't missed a day yet!!  So here are the photo's from two weeks ago and tomorrow I will post up the ones from last week.  There is just too much goodness going on and I am having a hard time narrowing down all the photo's from our last couple of outings!


Photo's #155-161:

"On your plate" Today was our first official Summer 2012 BBQ with Grandma and Grandpa D.  As always Paulene put on a great party and the table setting was perfect for a perfect evening spent together.  Aside from all the lovely salads, fruit, and grilled corn on the cob, we enjoyed grilled teriyaki chicken and pineapple kabobs. Yummy!

"Up close" This is one of the flowers in a pot resting outside my front door.  It is my favorite flower in my favorite color, so you can see why I am in love with this photo right now!!

"Descend" After attending story time at the library, we made our way over to the nearby park for a little picnic lunch and play. The girls always love to swing as high as they can reach the tips of their toes and then let themselves fall back to the earth bringing with it jumping tummies.

We were in charge of my Father's garden while they were on vacation.  The number one task was to pick the strawberries and eat them so they wouldn't go to waste.  There was no complaining upon accepting this responsibility- Delicious! (Remind me to tell you later about the bird we discovered nesting in the berries and how it nearly scared us all to death trying to protect it's nine little eggs! The girls faces as they screamed and took off running- so, so, funny!)

We went back over the next day to continue in our house watching duties and while I was watering the plants and picking up the mail the girls decided to leave a little surprise for the Grands return.  I LOVE that they left drawings of themselves just in case they wouldn't know who had left the sign!!

A couple of weeks ago we were finally able to get our hands on a "new to us" pop up camper!  We have been looking and saving all our spare change in a jar since last fall.  We quickly snagged the last available site in the Granite Flats campground up American Fork Canyon and went away for the weekend.  Family time together, a glowing fire, roasting dogs, gooey melty smores and perfect temperatures made our evening outstanding!

The next morning we were in no rush to get ourselves home and back to the grind, so we went on a little hike together.  We ended up with a lesson in proper rock climbing technique and the girls felt like they were on the top of the world!

See you tomorrow with last weeks photo's!!!


JJ said...

How fun you got a camper! That would make camping a little more enjoyable and you can take it anywhere. I'm glad you were able to get it. Of course, the next time we go camping, I will be completely jealous of your high-class accommodations.

Brooke said...

What a fun summer you're having! That is so cool that you got a camper!

Laura said...

Your picture of your flower would be amazing blown up and hanging on a wall. It looks professional!