Monday, September 9, 2013

And the new school year begins!!

Back on August 26th the girls had their first day of school.  This was huge around here, a LOT of excitement going into it.  We spent some time during the weeks prior getting the school supplies, new shoes and lunch boxes were a must, as well as going to the uniform swap to make sure everyone was set. We also had the traditional before school hair cuts (although this year they all wanted to keep it long, so really it was just around 4-5 inches trimmed off the bottoms).  Now we were set!
 I am a sucker for brand new tennies so I couldn't help myself from snapping several shots of them all gleaming and pristine and tied up just perfectly - they would never look that cute again!!

Abby, oh wait, I mean Abigail - was starting the 5th grade.  She is in Mr. Cornell's class.  This is the first boy teacher she has ever had and I think it is going to be a great year for her!  When we went to our meet-the-teacher day she was informed that she had only 8 girls in the class and non of them were her friends from last year.  But she has never had a problem making new friends and I think all those boys are going to make the class very energetic and fun!!!

Olivia was starting the 3rd grade.  This is our first 3rd grader at the school, so we don't really know what to expect from the curriculum or the teacher but Mrs. McIntyre was highly recommended by my mother and when I met her I just knew this was going to be a great fit for Olivia. She is also very excited to be back to her science class with Mrs. Willis and studying Zoology this semester.

Eva, as you can tell, was just about over the moon with excitement to be in a full day 1st grade this year!  She was going to AND from school with her sisters, getting to eat a packed lunch as school with her friends, and when we walked in the first day she was overjoyed to see her best friend Kate was in her class too!! 
She has Mrs. Soderstrom, of whom both the other girls had, so I look forward to working with her again. When I picked them up the first day Eva said "We had THREE recesses mom!!" I must also say that after the second day of school was over she did lean into me and say "I am just really tired mom." The long days of activity must be wearing her out, but she will get used to it :)

 I do have to share that while it is great to be back into the schedule and routine, having all my children gone ALL day has been a huge adjustment!! It really is life changing and I find myself kind of spinning and at a loss with what to do with myself.  For the last 10 years I have had someone, usually more than one, needing me and my attention constantly and now, quite suddenly, I don't have that anymore. I know that I will start up my volunteering in the classroom this week and that it will fill some time.  I also LOVE being able to keep exercising every morning, but now not having to worry about how Eva is doing while I am gone.  I don't know how to explain it exactly, I just feel like I am at a cross roads and a new chapter of my life is starting.  Don't get me wrong, my evenings are CRAZY from the moment I pick them up from school until I lay my head down at night!!  I have decided for now not to make any rash decisions and choices and to just take it slow and see how things go.  Who knows where it will take me!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Summer 2013 - August Edition

Oh August, how I miss you already! With your carefree days, sunshine, water fun, and friends running about having a good time.  Let's celebrate all that the glorious month of August had to offer us!!

August 2013:

The first week of the month I have nothing to show for it.  I was at girls camp, Abby and Paul were going to and from a soccer tournament, Liv and Eva were over at my moms living it up at the movies, riding horses,and playing at Trafalga.  All great stuff, but not a single one of us took any pictures!!

So the NEXT weekend we went out on the boat with my brother Brandon again. 
This time Paul was able to join us (although he has threatened me with my life if I post up any of his photo's in the water! Even though the pictures of him wake surfing are spectacular!!)
The water was warmer this time, but more choppy and the girls had a little more trouble getting up on the boards, but they persevered and learned all good things are worth the effort!

My sister Hillary came into town!! I was so happy to see her and that cute family she brings with her.  We spent a day over at the Manila Pond splashing about and having a grand old time.
Beckett is darling
and Avery is just as sassy and cute as ever!!
Love you guys and miss you!!

It just wouldn't be summer without a Shaved Ice. 
It is even more perfect when you pick a winner that dyes your insides to these impressive shades of color :)

We took our final camping trip of the year up to Tony Grove in Logan Canyon.  It was worth the drive! We had never been before and it was just beautiful and serene.
We stayed three days and two nights and were able to take a hike up to White Pine Lake one afternoon.  We had been told (my brother Kelly) that it was an easy doable hike for kids. While that was true we didn't prepare for the 8 mile round trip distance of the thing!! My fault really, we missed lunch and didn't have enough water or snacks. 
BUT we made it! and I am so proud of my little family, the White Pine Lake was so refreshing to put our tired toes into when we finally arrived.
Oh, and of course Eva caught a snake and packed it around all afternoon one day!!

Our final event of the summer is always the "End of Summer Tea".  We look forward to it every year.  This year it was a little smaller and more low key.  Abby was gone to a soccer party, it was pouring buckets the entire day before and afternoon of, so I didn't have much time to put it together but it turned out great.  The rain held off just long enough for us to enjoy the evening together with friends.
 The recipe is the same year after year - Real tea cups and saucers, also we must have mini Cinnamon rolls, bite size brownies, finger sandwiches and donut holes. However, this year I made a few different items.
We had mini vanilla cupcakes with Pink Lemonade frosting  - sooo good
and I put the lemonade drink in the punch dispenser for easier fill ups- worked out beautifully.
Aren't these girls stunning! We just love them all to pieces :)

We beaded fantastic creations,
and played a rousing game of slow motion freeze tag.
Then just before it began to pour rain on us we lined up together and posed our very best,
only to quickly fall apart into silly chaos!

Good by summer- we will miss you so!!