This last week Abby did finally get better, I started to feel crappy for a couple of days, and Liv launched into another PFS episode- so you could say it was real fun over here at our house! But we are all the more thankful for our heathy bodies today! Fall is in the air and all is well on the home front this week!!
Photo's #246-252:
Today was my cute little niece Hallie's blessing day. While I did take some darling pictures of her delicate little face I don't want to steal my sister-in-law's thunder so I will refrain from posting any right now :) But I did make these yummy Home Made Twix Bars to bring to the party and I had everyone wanting the recipe. I mean really, who doesn't like a Twix Bar? I can not by any means take credit for this culinary masterpiece but will send you over to the site where I found them: High Heels and Grills. They are almost too simple to make, so enjoy!
My most favorite mother-in-law was celebrating her birthday over the weekend, so with school out and Paul home from work for the Labor Day holiday we went out to lunch together!
Happy Birthday Paulene- we LOVE you!!
"Utensil" This is a dinner trick that Paul likes to perform for the girls. They CAN NOT believe that those forks can balance on such a small point! Have you ever tried it? Can you make it hold without falling?
EVA LOST HER FIRST TOOTH!!! She told me in the morning after breakfast that it felt loose and by bedtime that night she had pulled that thing right out, all by herself!!! She was beaming with joy- mostly because she remembered that the Tooth Fairy brought Liv an EXTRA dollar if she would pull out her tooth by herself :) There was no convincing her that it was a one time thing- and the Tooth Fairy did in fact remember that part of the deal!!!
Fall- Glittery pumpkins and acorns. I spent the days putting out all the decorations and house adornments. I almost can't believe it is September, but I do like that it is holiday season right around the corner.
EVA LOST HER SECOND TOOTH!!!!!!! Again- that morning she told me her other front tooth felt wiggly and sure enough by the time our day was over she had pulled out that little bugger- this girl is so tough!!! Once she sets her mind to it, she can not be stopped! Let me tell you, her piggy bank is over flowing :)
Just take a look at one of Abby's giant pumpkins!! It is GIANT I tell you!! I can't quite tell if she is more excited about the prospect of carving this huge beast of a pumpkin, or the fact that she had just come home from her first ever BYU football game with her Dad? It's a close toss up I think!!
3 months ago
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