really tired right now. Stressed. Living on no sleep. I know that all of you are probably feeling this way- like I just can't give anymore of myself. I have been running on full speed for three weeks now. My schedule has completely changed, and to be entirely honest, I don't know if I like it!! 6:30am is just too stinking early for a 32 year old woman to awake in the morning. (Hey now, stop rolling your eyes at me because it IS!!) Especially when you want to stay up late with your husband and have some alone time and conversation and connection. The only problem is when the said husband has a head cold and despite all his desires to please me and make me happy, he snores- but then you have to throw into the mix some Eva and Liv having bad dreams all night. Not together mind you- at different times and throughout the night. Then smother it all with new school traumas and frustrations and you have my recipe for being beyond the breaking point.
And then, I go and download the pictures from my camera taken before the upheaval of my life. When time was simpler, children slept, spouses were well, and I only had to get up at 7:30am- and that was to exercise- my blessed hour of peace, myself without distraction.
Upon glancing over the photos I found these gems. These darling faces. Giggling. Having fun. Enjoying each other. Loving this life, each other, and me.
OK, I will get over myself- all of THIS is worth it.
2 months ago
I'm sorry you're stressed! You're right, it is nice to see happy smiling faces on your camera at those times to remind us it's worth all that stress!
Oh Bree. You always end on a happy note, despite the stresses life will bring. But how can you not when you have three adorable little faces looking up to you every single day! They love you to death!!
Oh boy. Don't I know it. Of course, my husband's not physically sick right now but work is oh so much fun at the moment. So I'm right there with ya'. Hang in there!
I can imagine it's hard to balance three kids' different school schedules and everything that goes along with it. I'm having a hard enough time getting in piano practice, homework, and all the necessities as well as making sure Emma gets enough downtime--and I only have one kid in school every day! Hang in there! It has to get easier, doesn't it??? BTW, ADORABLE pics of your girls! Oh, I love summer.
We should have lunch and complain to each other. I totally feel your pain. Maybe you should crawl into that cute play room of yours and hide during the night. he he. I hope it gets better SOON!
I'm so sorry! I DEFINITELY relate to your predicament! Why is it that husbands get to be sick, but when WE are tired or sick, we just have to keep on going?! No wonder women have so many more emotional breakdowns than men! I hope Paul gets feeling better--truly, for his sake as well as for yours--and I hope you get feeling better and catch up on some rest! Italy's looking better and better all the time, isn't it?! That NEEDS to happen--you need it!
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