Should I be concerned that this is not the only spot in my house that looks like this, this incredibly dirty, amid the ongoing construction?
Or, should I be more concerned with the fact that Olivia spelled her name backwards?
Or should I just be focusing on the fact that she can spell her name, and that she could not possibly walk past the dust without signing it, and the smile that it brought across my face when I discovered it this afternoon.
Ya, I thought so too!! Cleanliness is over rated.
Also this is how my sweets are choosing to spend this drizzly afternoon- together, on the couch, with baby (she used to be Sally, today she is Marsha), "reading" books to each other and singing from the Hymn book. "The sun will come out tomorrow" is in that right? I thought it was an appropriate selection considering the rhythm of the rain on the window was just the right background melody!
2 months ago
They are so cute together. What sweet sisters!
cute, cute, CUTE!!
So cute! I love the way little girls play together--my sons were busy building a fort out of the couch cushions and wrestling each other this afternoon. Ah, the sweet, quiet playtime of girls! I love Olivia's name in the dust, too. I love that you took a picture of it--you're right, cleaniness is overrated! Good for you!
Very cute and a great way to spend the afternoon. Looks like they'll get to do it again today;)
That is so cute! I love your girls
The only consolation to all the dust would be the excitement of getting a bathroom. I think that more than cancels it out. Plus, you are giving Olivia ample opportunity to spell her name :-)
I love those little toes!! And I just found a bunch of dust on my chairs last week, don't worry. You're not the only one! When are we all going to get together? I feel like its been ffffoooorrrreeeevvvvveeeeerrrrrrr!!
Can Liv get any cuter? How funny that she wrote in your dust, and that it was backwards. Your sweet girls always make me smile. :)
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