Today has been a good day. Abby was off to school on time, I didn't forget that it was "S" show and tell day (she took a spider pet shop of course!), she actually completed all her work before coming home (usually she sticks it in her bag so that she can play with the toys and her friends! Sound like anyone you know at her age, yes I was a socialite as well!), then the girls decided they wanted to go up to the Discovery Park by our house and have a picnic. Being that it was a sunny day and I was in good spirits (normally the thought of three kids by myself at the park doesn't set well!) I said yes. Naturally we called Jerianne to meet us over there to let Abby and Shea run out there energy together. It turned out to be a nice outing and it was great to sit and talk with Jerianne, we don't get to do that as much as I would like these days. So here are some pictures just to make you all want to take your children to the park this weekend!!
I must preface this first one of Eva, that it is adorable, but yes she does have the biggest goose egg bruise on her forehead because she decided to just walk off the top flight of stairs, flipping end over end, and landing on her forehead on the wood floor at the bottom (no, THIS one is not my fault, I was out of the house and off duty!). She is ok, and it doesn't seem to have caused any psychological problems as of yet, but man does it look painful!!! She is still cute anyway!

Do you remember the tire swing, Jerianne and I commented on how much it would make us queasy when we were kids, it didn't seem to bother our girls one bit!

Happiness for all today!!
Thank you so much for inviting us to join you. It was so nice for us to get out of the house and enjoy the weather. We had a great time!
Looks so fun! I think I need to quit my job and steal some kids. :) It feels like spring.
P.S. I loved the tire swing.
What a great way to spend the day. Sorry about Eva's head. (I always loved that red sweater!)
Eva looks so adorabe in that shot with the red sweater. She looks fantastic in that color!
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