My brother Kelly and his wife Bethany welcomed their first little baby into the world on Sunday night. Their sweet daughter Eden was born 7lbs 6oz and 21 inches long. After speaking with Kelly yesterday afternoon both were doing well and you could just feel the love and excitement in his voice. They are going to be such wonderful parents and I can't wait to go up and meet that sweet little girl this weekend!! I will be posting pics when I get some, she can be nothing but beautiful.
All of this baby talk has taken me back to just a short 9 and a half months ago, when Paul and I were in the hospital welcoming Eva into the world and making those fun birth announcement phone calls to family and friends. Boy, time really does fly doesn't it!
Here is a layout of Eva's 9 months pictures. It won't be that long, Kelly and Bethany, that you will be taking 9 month pictures as well. Cherish every moment!!!
Here is Liv's summer in review page I thought I would share also. This came together so easily by using a template (I don't seem to have the creator on file) and a kit by Little Dreamer Designs called "Sweet June". I have been holding onto this kit for a while because I wanted to use it on this layout.
Have a good one! Congratulations again Kelly and Bethany! Oh, and Happy Birthday to my littlest brother Trace, 22 years old today!!!!!
2 months ago
Oh baby girls are so wonderful! I too always reminisce to the days I had my babies when I hear of a new one being born. Time speeds up every year! Can't believe how big Eva is and that Liv is potty trained! Way to go Liv! (and mom!) I love your layouts! Sweet June is one of my favorite kits right now. Very great!
I haven't read for a few days so I had a little catching up to do but I love the black and white picture of Eva and the pages are just adorable! And congratulations to Liv on being potty trained- diapers are the last thing I would want to spend my money on. Thanks for showing me how to make the icing for the cake on Sunday. I'm sure Trace wants me to have the recipe when you have some time to email it or something! It was absolutely delicious!
Eva is such a cute girl...your pages have really made her look like a princess. New babies are the best!
Cute pics of Liv!! Time does fly by. We'll be celebrating a couple 1 yr birthdays before to long!
I love those layouts. You are so talented. I really wish I could scrap like you. What beautiful girls you have!
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