12 weeks- can you believe it! I need to do a big collage showing all my pictures I have taken together. But then again, I am so close to my first 100 in a row that maybe I will just wait and do a special post then!!
Life is busy but fun and we are all just rolling along with our various activities. This weeks photo's I feel are quite random. On some days it was nice to just have something put in front of me on the ideas list to shoot- my creative juices were running thin but prevail I did!!
Photo's # 78 - 84:
This was the box of "Warm Fuzzies" that I handed out to our church primary kids to help remind them to do an act of service for someone they knew during the week. It always surprises me how every child, no matter their age, LOVES a pom pom in hand!! This last Sunday they reported back to me and I was so impresses with all the Warm Fuzzie feelings of charity that had been going around our neighborhood!
"Funny" Paul always can get the girls rolling with laughter by showing them old home movie clips on his phone of silly things they did when they were younger. This picture just makes my heart sing.
You have no idea how relieved I was to make a call the night before and find out that my jury selection had been canceled because the case had settled out of court!! While I love this part of our country and I would be more than happy to provided this service I was so stressed about what I was going to do with my children. What do other stay at home mom's of small kids and full time working husbands do? Needless to say, I was much happier spending the first day of spring running my girls around to their activities.
"Clouds" I don't think I take the time to look up and admire the beauty of the sky enough. This day the weather was warming up, but still overcast and it truly was gorgeous to behold.
"Kitchen Sink" I will admit I wasn't very excited about this one. How boring right! But it IS the place that I spend most of my day! Making breakfast, packing lunches, making lunch, washing dirty sticky hands, wiping up spills, getting sips, making dinner, cleaning up- I am standing here a lot, I suppose this view really should be documented!!
This afternoon Eva helped me pull the weeds from our rock path that travels around the perimeter of our house. It was a lot of work, Liv didn't want to help- but she did like sneaking little bits of the cast offs to plant in her own little potted garden. I love how she arranged them all, just so.
"Before and After" This Saturday we checked another item off of our "To Do" list and painted our front entrance. We sanded, primed, insulated and repainted the jams and replaced the brick molding around the front. Then we primed and painted the door a fresh new color that we pulled from the existing bricks. I really like it and am so pleased! (The new updated shutters are being made and shipped as I write, they will be the finishing touch!)
2 months ago