The other day I came home from my morning swim and rushed off to shower. I came out and began to gather all my hair and makeup supplies in preparation for the day when Abby comes by, stops short, cocks an eyebrow and says "Mom, is it Sunday today?" I said "No, it is Thursday and I volunteer at your school on Thursdays. Why, do I only get ready on Sunday?" and she says "Yes"!!!!
So this got me thinking- have I really let things go that much? Am I that lazy that if I am not going to be leaving the house to go to church, or the school (where all the kids are in uniform and the teachers wear dresses or shirts and ties) do I not make an effort? Then I remembered that just yesterday morning a lady at the gym complemented me on my skin- she told me I look like an after picture! And this was after getting out of the pool and my hair was a mop on my head! Granted she was older and probably crazy, but I was flattered. See, I don't even need to wear makeup! But then I remember one of my most favorite moments with my mother when I was a teenager. My siblings and I had convinced her that we needed to be driven to the mall for some shopping and she looked down at her Emerald Green sweat suit she was wearing and said "oh, in that case I had better go and change." We all breathed a sigh of relief until she came back out and she was wearing a purple sweat suit!!!! We all laughed and laughed and said she had not changed and she said "but the other one was dirty"!!!!!
I love my mother, and I love that we have moments like this with her, but am I, as a stay at home mom, letting things go just a little too much- should I be making more of an effort? Most of my days start out with either running, swimming or biking and by the time I get girls dressed, hair done, and off to school with lunch in tummies and finally get a shower, it is after noon and I am not going to be leaving the house at all. I do get dressed for the day, I do comb my hair and wash my face, I do put on deodorant!
So tell me, be honest, do you put on a full face of makeup and do your hair everyday, even if you are not going anywhere? I need to know if I am letting myself, my husband, my daughters and everyone that I come in contact with out front of my house down!!! If so, I will make a change!!!! I really don't want to be scaring the neighbors!!
2 months ago